Diogenes\’ Heritage

Still searching for honesty & integrity.

Osama Did It All – Fact or Fiction?

I may be disappeared for bringing this up so if you don’t hear from me in a reasonable time, come looking for me.

The easiest way to describe it to be consistent with the facts thusly: The neocons have a plan but need a patsy. Karl/neocons see that person in GWB and the relationship of the Bush family with the Saudis going way back. They take GW from nothing to Governor in 1995 to President as part of this plan.

Neocons win the election or even before, they call or travel to Saudi Arabia who have been friends for a very long time. Think of the picture of Bush holding hands with Saudi Royal. Think of the history of the friendship of the Bush family with the Saudi Royals.

The Neocon says “we need a big event early in the Presidency. Make it 9/11 to look like a 911 emergency call”. Okay, I made that up just for the poetry of it. The date doesn’t matter. Describing this is simple and no elaborate plans need to be documented by Americans. No finger prints. They continue “This is what you do: Make it two planes crashing into the WTC, one into the White House and one into the Pentagon. This is redundancy to make sure one gets through any of which will be seen as an attack on American.”

At this point all contact with Americans can cease.

Saudi Royals get the black sheep of the family, OSBL, because he’s really sick and has a history of fighting in Afghanistan. He starts making an issue of Americans in the Home of the Prophet as a recruitment device. OSBL goes out and recruits 19/20 Saudis and tells them they are going to heaven if they attack the Americans. Fill in more details as needed to assure yourself that it’s possible.

How many people does it take knowing of this? 2 or 3 – one American, a Saudi Royal and OSBL. How hard is that to hide? Easy. How much involvement from America? Very small foot print but critical to the accomplishment. How traceable is it? Nearly impossible.

Here is a hole: where would the information come from to fill the infamous PDB? Why would it leak? Once the plan was set in motion people would need to know the of the plot and in the process of recruitment the dissemation of the plot had to be spread. The would be especially true in the training of the hijackers and in the actual implementation.

Let’s add some more facts which to be fair could actually fit other motives but for the sake of this post lets use them to bolster the theory.

Every election is preceded and every urgent need for distraction is accompanied by just such a distraction from OSBL and cohorts. The list of these was documented by Keith Olbermann quite well and we’re all very familiar with these.

Even this year we’ve got Zawahiri conveniently making a video that only helps Bush.

There’s no proof and it’s my guess that there never will be. Probably the guy who talked to the Saudis is already dead or he was someone very very high up in the neocon structure who is implicitly trusted with the information. In fact, only those with absolutely no risk of exposure due to the lack of a conscience and even the smallest moral substance would know of this. How many people do we know of who would fit this profile?

It’s a theory but it fits the available facts. It’s not even a very elaborate theory nor is it an implausible scenario. Every fact is obvious and every supposition could easily fit the need. While it’s true that any of the facts could be explained other ways they are no less incredible than the use I ascribe them to.

September 30, 2006 - Posted by | General

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