Diogenes\’ Heritage

Still searching for honesty & integrity.

I’m not a moonbat liberal.

Well, I heard it again today while watching the Big Dog shred smarmy Chris Wallace and then again on MTP receiving referential treatment from Timmah. What did I hear that has prompted cybaasd to actually post a diary instead of go-with-the-flow, free-wheeling comments? I heard once again for the umpteeth time that Republicans and Democrats have been taken over by the political extremes. All over the main stream media commentators and reporters all act as if they understand or are just too lazy to find out. They look at what’s happened to the Republicans being taken over by the neocons and the theocrats and think that if they report that fact then they’ll make up something similar about Democrats and call it “balanced”. If I had people like that on my teams at work I’d fire them.

These morons use the popularity of blogs – Daily Kos, MyDD, MyLeftWing, Booman Tribune, Digby and Glen Greenwald as “proof” of this. Greenwald, liberal? Good gawd, I think not. They think that because we forced Democrats to fight for the 2004 Presidential election with our support for Howard Dean, oppose an illegal war, effected Liebermann’s primary loss, are supporting Tester in Montana, Webb in Virginia and other Democratic Congressional and Senate campaigns that we’re extremists.

How stupid and lazy can they be? Look at each of the candidates who get the most support and see how moderate and down-right conservative they can be.

Somehow it’s become fact that the blogs on the left have been taken over by the extremes. Somehow, fighting against Bush and Republicans has become radical and extreme. Fighting against lying and cheating, budget deficits far into the future, tax cuts for the rich, trickle-down that has become trickle up, wage decreases to go along corporate profit increases, global warming ignored, loss of rights has become associated with moonbat liberals.

Well, I gotta tell you anyone who says Democrats have been taken over by the extremist left doesn’t know their ass from a hole in the wall. They don’t know shit from shinola. If a clue was a rattler it’d have bitten them in the ass already.

MSM, do. your. fuckin. homework. It’s call “think”. Try it once or twice and you’ll find that your brain won’t actually explode though it may expand a little.

September 24, 2006 - Posted by | General

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